“Jacob I loved but Esau I hated” (Genesis) that phrase is used to by unbelievers to say the bible contradicts it’s self. This seems like a statement that is out of line with the character of God. Since God hated Esau does that mean certain people are favored over others? Before we jump to any conclusions we need to examine this verse in context and with other verses. “Elkanah loved Hannah, but hated Peninah” (1st Samuel). “Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah” (Genesis). As we look at those verses we really need to focus on the word “hate.” The new Testament says that those who hate are just as guilty as one who commits murder. So how can it say that God “hated Esau?” In all three incidents we find a pattern of choosing one over another. That God choose Jacob over Esau before they were born or before they had done anything good or bad. It is not that God emotionally hated Esau. We read later that God blessed Esau, his family, and his descendants. What the word “hated” in this case has to mean is that God made a better choice to work out his plan of redemption. Esau could have followed God, and done what was right, but he choice to follow after the world. Just as Pharaoh could have listen to Moses and said I choose to believe God and He will not send the plagues. But Pharaoh choose to ignore God and God allowed his heart to be harden. God being a gracious God, instead of being forceful honored Pharaoh’s choice. God harden his heart just as he promised. Esau made his choice not to obey God. Esau sold his birthright. So as with the other cases God used the situation to go with the better choice. Such gives those who have been chosen a special privilege. In the case of Israel, God could have choice anybody besides Abraham to begin the nation of Israel. Not that He hated everybody else He just saw a better choice in Abraham. But as the chosen they had certain responsibilities. However, throughout the history of Israel they rejected God. God would discipline them and they would repent. But not one time did God hate the nation. Even when their purpose came to an end (Messiah’s coming). God still choose to include them in his new plan. They rejected Christ and God honors their choice. Those who repent God will honor their choice. Not because God hates them, it’s because God chooses the better way. The chosen people of God are those who are faithful. Even though “nothing can separate you from the love of God” you can choose to separate yourself from him and his plan of redemption. God in order to be fair to you has set up a system that gives you free will to choice. He has established conditions for each chose. For the faithful Heaven, for the unfaithful Hell. It’ a matter of your choice. God loves everybody, but not everybody loves God. That’s why he gives you your whole life to repent. The only factor is you don’t know when your life is going to end. Either way God will not stop loving you. God will not force anybody to hell. God simply honors your choice. For those looking for a sign from God and then they’ll believe. The bible say’s the last sign to be given is “as Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days, so the son of man would be in the grave three days. The death, burial, and resurrection is the last sign. But here’s the thing about the unbeliever they have set their minds on the things of this world and thus can not understand the mysteries, evidence, and plan of God. Generally, they heed false doctrines or have come out of false doctrine churches, as a result they are misinformed about the true and living God. But those who believe (should) have their minds set on the things above. One of the bad things that I have seen over the years is people coming into church with a worldly mindset, and they try to run the church like the world. The believer must have their mind set on the kingdom and that includes God’s purpose, and pattern for the church. This is not something learned over night or just by setting in a pew each Sunday. This is not a game or a social club. It’s having the mind of Christ even when the world is in a chaotic state. God doesn’t hate the unbeliever, He is just going with the better choice. The better choice is those who love God back and are faithful are those he has chosen to be his children.
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