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Writer's pictureAlbert Bricker


The New American Standard actually has the  right translation of these verses from the Greek. Look at verse 12 in the text “having been buried with him in baptism.” We need to understand what that means. We find the meaning of that phrase in Romans 6:1-11. Buried with him in baptism means I will be raised from the dead through the glory of the father, we too may live a new life.” If your using a King James version of the bible it says, “When we were baptized we are raised with him through faith of the operation of God” I read that one time and thought I wonder what that word operation means in the Greek. It means “a work”. It’s a work of God. God is working in you to circumcise your heart. Cutting away the sin. He has cleansed your heart. You are now in remission from sins.   Don’t let anybody tell you baptism has nothing to do with salvation. As scripture teaches us over and over again that there is a right way and a wrong way to get saved. But the right way always includes the salvation plan to hear the gospel , believe, confess Jesus before men, repent, and be baptized.     

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