How often do we find ourselves in situations of the world and never give a second thought as to how we have been impacted. Some how are minds become so accustom to the world we just begin to accept sin. Many try to justify actions by saying “ this is just how society is now days.” But given a crash course in history I find men has not changed that much from creation. There are however faster and more media outlets that sin is spread abroad more easier. Those who stand against sin are even ridiculed with just a turn of a tv channel or a post on social media. So it looks like wickedness is dominating America and the world. We are told that the bible is old and outdated . But maybe its that people just love to sin and don’t want to be convicted. The bible has it right when it tells us about wicked men. “Who’s stomach is their god” meaning they will do anything possible to fulfill their lustful desires. When you dress like the world, talk like the world, live like the world you might as well be worldly. That’s how people see you because they can not see your light shinning. But when they see you as a Christian they see something better than the world. When people come into the church and do not change their lifestyle. They might as well have stayed in the world. What I’ve seen over the years is a flippant attitude about coming into the worship service. Many will go out to dinner, shows, concerts, etc… They dress in the finest of clothes. But they will show up to church dressed like the homeless. They would never come into the throne room of the Queen of England in such garbs. We are coming into worship God and King Jesus. I’ll most likely get raked over the coals for this article. But I have seen a pattern in our churches that was adapted from the world. Lowing the standard of godliness. First by watering down the word, then by lowing the standard of dress, now accepting sin, and not doing any thing to upset people. Because were afraid to lose the crowd. Oh ye, of little faith. Are we here to build Christians or crowds? I’ll get off my soapbox now. When we don’t see anything wrong with it and God does. I believe it time for us to take a second look at our philosophy.
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