Faith is better than unbelief, and righteousness better than evil. When the twelve spies return from searching out the promise land. Ten of the spies came back with a negative report. People believed the negative. A few negative people actually prevented Gods blessing. It is estimated that 603 Million people came out of Egypt. Negative people have a way of tearing Gods people down. I wonder if we still have that problem today. Do you have negative people in your church? Do you have negative people at work? I find that negative people are still negative even when they get what they want. Negative people tear down churches. Negative people make jobs more difficult. And negative people can actually bring down positive people. But here is the real truth about negative people. They have no faith in God. They are still trying to run everything like a worldly person. What is sad is how it all plays out here in the account of the twelve spies. But Joshua and Caleb they remained faithful through it all. Out of the 603 million they were the only two to enter the promise land. In the days of Noah there was millions of people on the earth and eight were saved. I have this question to ask. Are you a ten spy or a two spy?
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