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Writer's pictureAlbert Bricker

To be or not to be

This is from notes I took when listening to a sermon being preached. This sermon was preached by unknown preacher I forgot to write the name down. The notes may reflect thoughts I had but also contain phrases and points that are used in this sermon.

Philippians 4:4

1. Rejoice in the Lord.

2. Let your gentleness be evident.

3. Don't be anxious.

Paul had a great concern for the church, but he had no anxiety because he had peace from God. Jesus said don't worry about life, foot, drink, body, clothing Matthew 6:24-27

Get hooked on verse 24

Look at verse 27- "Who can; Who can; Who can add an hour? We can add no hours. But we can take away from the time we have and the true purpose we have been given.

4. Peace will guard your heart.

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